Prophet Frankie L Warren serves as the Senior Pastor of Stay Free Ministries Incorporated in Winston-Salem, NC. He was born in Greensboro, NC where he attended Mount Zion Baptist Church under the guided leadership of Bishop George W Brooks and received the call to preach at the age of twenty-eight. He was licensed as a minister the following year at Mount Zion after he preached his first message in August of 1992, and was led by the Spirit to serve in a number of other capacities such as the Praise & Worship Leader, and armorbearer to the pastor at Cornerstone Tabernacle under the spiritual leadership of Prophet Clifton E Sawyer in April 1996.
In December 2004, it was impressed upon Prophet Warren by the Spirit to return to Mount Zion Baptist Church where he served as the assistant senior leader of the associate ministers ministry, and received ordination in December 2006. A few years later after seeking the Lord about his prophetic calling, Prophet Warren was affirmed and commissioned into the distinctive office of the Prophet by Apostle Timothy R Burch in Atlanta, Georgia in October 2012.
With 30 years of service in ministry, Prophet Warren is passionate about ministry, and has a genuine love for God's people. He is described by those closely associated with him as a man of integrity and approachable. The anointing upon his life clearly speaks for itself as God has graciously gifted him with prophetic insight, and the anointing to bring deliverance and healing in the lives of God's people.